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oxygen inhibit 
brain fog

oxygen improves

oxygen improves
remembering words

oxygen inhibit 

zuurstoftherapie tegen hersenmist.

oxygen reverses aging brain cells

zuurstoftherapie verbetert het geheugen

oxygen improves
information processing
brain cells!

oxygen improves

Oxygen reverses the aging brain

Areas of application      _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-78191365-5cde-3194-bb385_bad1365-5cde-3194 -bb385_bad13655 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_   Treatment    _cc-781905--5cde185cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc- 781905--5cdebad136 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     Better performance

Insufficient oxygen supply to the brain is the main cause of memory loss, not being able to come up with the right words, confusing words and not being able to produce whole sentences.



Brains are fragile and use a lot of energy. And it takes a lot of energy to keep that brain in order, because the brain has a very intensive metabolism. They consume twenty percent of all oxygen and a quarter of the glucose from the circulating blood. An uninterrupted supply of building materials and energy and a continuous removal of metabolic waste products is necessary for the brain to function optimally.

From young adulthood (20-25 years) the function of organs,

and also the brain, backwards.

Mental skills diminish from the age of 25. Memorization of words is especially bad. An eighty-year-old remembers less than sixty percent of the words that a 25-year-old can remember. source: Maastricht Aging Study, (MAAS)


Research indicates that cognitive improvement in healthy older adults is achieved using hyperbaric oxygen.  The main improvements are attention, information processing speed and executive functions, which are normally decrease with age.


OXYGEN REVERSES BRAIN AGING (Dr. Shai Efrati, associate professor and senior physician at Shamir Medical Center,  Israel)

Professor Shai Efrati University Tel Avi

“It is the first time, to my knowledge, that there is a biological intervention that improves the biology of the brain in a normal aging population. The decline associated with aging should not be taken for granted," Efrati, who is also director of one of the world's largest centers of hyperbaric medicine, told the  Shamir's Sagol Center _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, where more than 200 patients are treated daily.

De doorbloeding van de hersenen verbetert duidelijk na de zuurstoftherapie, zie voor meer informatie

Many chronic diseases affect  the decline in cognitive abilities.

By improving the oxygen supply, the body is much better able to prevent disease, correct health problems and restore well-being.

Many people already experience improvement, with  2 to 3 a week of a 15-minute oxygen session.

Denk ook aan Moleculaire Waterstoftherapie!
Deze net als EWOT veilige- 

en eenvoudig thuis te gebruiken therapie kan verreikende en krachtige gezondheidsvoordelen hebben,en het bewijs is STERK

Meer dan 1000 peer-reviewed wetenschappelijke artikelen hebben het opmerkelijke potentieel van H2 voor meer dan 170 ziektemodellen aangetoond, en er zijn momenteel nog veel meer krachtige klinische onderzoeken aan de gang. Er zijn meer dan 800 klinische onderzoeken uitgevoerd bij patiënten in een aantal ziekenhuizen over de hele wereld. Ze inhaleerden waterstofgas (H2) of dronken daarmee verrijkt water (2-3 liter per dag) gedurende 4 tot 24 weken. Bij sommigen waren de resultaten indrukwekkend. 

Van waterstofgas is aangetoond dat het therapeutische effecten heeft bij acute en chronische verwondingen aan het centrale zenuwstelsel, zoals cerebrale ischemie, neonatale ischemie en hypoxie, hersenbloeding en post-ischemische bloeding, hypoxisch foetaal hersenletsel, de ziekte van Parkinson, de ziekte van Alzheimer, seniele dementie en veroudering. (Wetenschappelijke studies)

Link hier naar Informatie over de unieke portable waterstof-zuurstof generator 900 ml Series van Corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie ondersteunt het tegengaan van achteruitgang in cognitieve vaardigheden
Zuurstoftherapie en waterstoftherapie hebben therapeutische effecten bij ziekten van het brein
De zuurstofconcentraZuurstoftherapie maakt significant verschil voor cognitie en focus.
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Zuurstoftherapie verbetert denkvermogen en geheugen.


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Open by appointment

The oxygen shop for everyone

Corpusair zuurstoftherapie EWOT Nederland.
Corpusair is gecertificeerd H2 adviseur

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The contents of this publication are provided for informational purposes only. In no way is this information intended to diagnose or substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you contact a reliable specialist for this.


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