Oxygen is so common that most people don't realize they've been short of it for years until they regularly do 15-minute EWOT oxygen therapy
Magda, Den Haag
Mijn leven was na covid-19 op zijn kop. Zo moe en alles was me teveel. Door EWOT zuurstoftherapie voel ik eindelijk weer verbetering.
Berkel en Rodenrijs
Via mijn werkgever Stichting ZO! Zuidplas heb ik EWOT kunnen aanschaffen voor thuis. De zuurstoftherapie geeft me veel meer energie en draagt bij aan mijn herstel.
Ik ben er blij mee!
Noël Cabral
13Volt Rotterdam
In onze sportschool boeken we veel resultaten met de ontstekingsremmende zuurstoftherapie EWOT
EWOT Zuurstoftherapie
Misschien herken je jezelf in deze verhalen
Video over EWOT in sportschool FIT4ANYONE in Maastricht
vooral goede ervaringen met post-Covid
Misschien herken jij jezelf in dit verhaal:
Maak kennis met Agnes (36 jr.). Agnes heeft overgewicht. Ze is 100 kilo bij een lengte van 1.65. Eindelijk heeft ze de stoute schoenen aangetrokken en is een sportschool binnengestapt. Een leuke instructeur zet haar op een fiets en zegt nadat hij de fiets heeft ingesteld: “ Ik ben over 15 minuten bij je terug”. Alleen binnen 5 minuten zijn haar benen helemaal verzuurd en heeft ze de bevestiging waar ze naar op zoek was. “Zie je wel, dit is niets voor mij!”
Wat dit te maken heeft met zuurstoftherapie vertellen we je graag.
Zonder zuurstof kan niets branden, dat geldt ook voor je lichaam. Voor het vrijkomen van energie in je lichaam is energie nodig. Hoe meer inspanning des te meer zuurstof je nodig hebt. En hoe meer zuurstof ter beschikking is, des te beter kun je presteren.
Zuurstoftherapie zorgt ervoor dat je lichaam bepaalde activiteiten, zoals fietsen, langer kan volhouden. Dat komt omdat je tijdens de behandeling niet moe wordt. Het resultaat? Agnes krijgt een beteren conditie en nu komt het… de extra zuurstof zorgt voor een verbetering van de verbranding van onderhuidse vetten! Een win-win dus!
En dan Marcel (58 jr). Hij kreeg in oktober 2020 Covid. Gelukkig voor hem hoefde hij niet opgenomen te worden in het ziekenhuis. Wel had Marcel erg veel last van zijn luchtwegen en was hij enorm moe. De nasleep van covid ondervindt hij nog steeds. Marcel heeft nog steeds last van extreme vermoeidheid. Voor hem is de zuurstoftherapie belangrijk omdat hij meer energie krijgt en hoe waardevol is dat voor hem.
Ook Vivian (27 jr.), die te maken heeft gekregen met een burn-out heeft erg veel baat bij deze zuurstoftherapie. Door haar burn-out kreeg ze Vivian slaapproblemen en was haar energielevel heel erg laag. Nu slaapt ze weer beter en krijgt ze steeds meer haar energie terug.
Mijn naam is Sunil Persad
Heb al 15 jaar een eigen bedrijf in frequentieremedies. Voor mij is EWOT een belangrijk hulpmiddel om je gezondheid te verbeteren en te optimaliseren Mijn klanten gebruiken de EWOT veelvuldig en zij heel enthousiast, en zelf doe ik het natuurlijk ook.
Zuurstof is een medicijn
"We zien vermindering van klachten en toename van mobiliteit met hulp van EWOT. Het is een natuurlijke therapie. Zuurstof is een medicijn, zeg maar. En als we eens nadenken over hoeveel medicijnen we slikken die chemisch zijn, en hoe mensen daar in de regel beter van worden maar soms ook juist niet beter van worden. Dan is dit wel een veel beter alternatief".
When I had corona and actually had to go to the hospital, my therapist advised me to purchase EWOT myself. Delicious! Yes Corpusair can certainly share my experience. _cc781905-5cde-3194- Mirror
So far this has resulted in two re-measurements in firstly a great progress in energy and fitness but secondly I have been antibiotic free for more than 5 months now, so that my body is increasingly in balance ! Eric
I can recommend this EWOT Multistep therapy to anyone plagued by fibromyalgia . If you are in constant pain, give EWOT oxygen therapy a chance for yourself!
If your child suffers from asthma and now - with this simple oxygen therapy - can come along with his friends again
family from Lions
Showcase legs I suffer from cramps, pain and tired legs. Thanks to EWOT I have more strength and I can walk longer without pain N. Verkade
After years with complaints due to shortness of breath and with approximately 3 pneumonias per year
I am drug-free thanks to EWOT.
_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-bad5 _ccf3136-557805 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc-781905--5cde-eminence -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Alinda
We are now 8 weeks further since March 20th and I feel very good again. I'm working around the house again- Furthermore, my left fibula no longer holds moisture
Oxygen improves my body's defenses against cancer. I've been doing EWOT for a year now.
The last 2 scans show that the metastases in my liver are getting smaller.
Name known to editors
TIMES DIABETES O 2 M - with the help of oxygen therapy
Paul v. H. My blood sugar level dropped by over 30% an hour after EWOT al . After 8 weeks of oxygen therapy_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_bad5cf58
am I much better off-
februari 2024
Ik doe EWOT thuis zo vaak als ik kan. Ben nu 8 weken verder en heb verbetering in conditie, uithoudingsvermogen en mijn concentratie!
Mirjam van Vliet
Sept. 21 Wateringen
If you have asthma and also get corona , you are super happy with EWOT
After getting corona, I started EWOT at home in April and no longer had to be hospitalized for oxygen. I have been taking medication for my asthma for years, but since the end of May I no longer need medication for the asthma. In the beginning I did EWOT every day, but now I definitely train 3 x a week with oxygen
Mirjam van Vliet
Klaas Dijkhuis Hengelo
I just wanted to share my experiences with the EWOT system that I currently use on a daily basis. When I was 64 years old I came to you because I experienced a chronic lack of energy and couldn't get excited about anything anymore. I felt tired and dreaded everything. In October last year I also had a thrombosis in my left fibula and the result was that my left fibula retained extra fluid and that I had to wear a compression stocking for that. After I picked up my EWOT system from you on March 20, I started very carefully on an exercise bike. And partly due to the extra oxygen of the EWOT system, it was actually very easy to cycle from the start. Furthermore, because I didn't get tired of it and noticed real progress, that is a very good motivation to continue with it.
At the moment it is the case that I cycle for 20 minutes every morning after getting up. Starting with 40 Watts increasing to 95 Watts and then back to 40 Watts. I don't get tired of this and it feels like a nice start to my day. We are now 8 weeks further since March 20th and I feel very good again. I'm working around the house again, I feel like picking things up again and I'm back on the bike. Furthermore, my left fibula no longer retains fluid and is just as thick as my right. In conclusion, I have the energy to pick things up again and also found my inner peace again that I had lost. My expectations have actually been far exceeded (physically and mentally) by the results. In short, I am very happy with my EWOT system and would not want to miss it for any money.
Klaas Dijkhuis
Diabetes type 2
invert with oxygen
Aug. 2021 Paul: Oxygen therapy works really well. My much too high blood sugar level saw i drop enormously within the hour after an EWOT session.
Blood sugar measurement one hour after EWOT from 11.3 to 8.1 mmol/l (fasting)
I have been on medication for diabetes for a number of months. I do 15 minutes of EWOT on my treadmill every day. The effect on my blood sugar is almost unbelievable. Within the hour, it drops enormously. My blood sugar now also remains much more stable than with medication alone.
I'm also not that tired anymore, just feel good and my blood sugar is now hovering around 6.9 . EWOT oxygen is recommended!
Paul v. H. / Wageningen
Alinda, 34 years, 2 Nov. 2020
Normally I had pneumonia 2 or 3 times a year. I haven't even had a cold since doing EWOT
For years I suffered from asthmatic bronchitis.
I took all the flu and cold viruses with me. Especially when my son went to school for the first time, it was often hit. Often tired, coughing a lot,
quickly out of breath, and especially that shortness of breath made it all quite difficult.
Every cold ended with a visit to the doctor and with a course of antibiotics. This year alone I had already had a number of prednisone and antibiotics before the corona broke out. For the corona virus itself, I was very careful because of my situation. That's also the reason I started oxygen training.
My situation has changed a lot with EWOT. The most special thing is that I haven't had a single course of prednisone or antibiotics for 7 months since I started on oxygen and I also no longer use puffs. Normally I had pneumonia 2 or 3 times a year.
I haven't even had a cold anymore, not even inherited from my son when he was .
I can hardly believe how much fitter I am now. I work at ouderen in care and I still don't dare to take the elevator because of the risk of contamination. But now I just take the stairs to my client on the 6th floor, and all those stairs are no longer a problem for me, I breathe normally and my condition has greatly improved.
I can therefore recommend EWOT oxygen to everyone, it works really well!
It's been a while since we've spoken/seen each other.
But I have great news. I ended up placing the device with bicycle at a friend of mine, she has had lung cancer and lately it has been bad, she would only have a few more immunotherapies and that would be the last. She then started cycling very quietly, 4-5 times a week, on my equipment and the special beauty is that it is going very well. Tumor armpit greatly decreased, the other tumors slightly. She also feels much better.
I myself am not on it now, I think it is more important that it gives her a lot of hope in collaboration with immunotherapies 😃.
With kind regards,
Breda / Mark Feb. 2022 LONG COVID complaints
I am 42 years old, a sports teacher and rarely sick, until I got corona in March 2021. Since that time I have not been the same. I still can't do my job full time and I have many complaints from fatigue to sore muscles and joints everywhere. Everything tried from acupuncture to physiotherapy. Actually at my wits' end started on EWOT oxygen therapy.
First carefully 3 x a week and now without difficulty every day for 15 minutes. My energy level has improved enormously in a few weeks, I even ran once. I'm not there yet, but at least I'm making noticeable progress. I can recommend supplemental oxygen to anyone.
Juni 2024
Saskia / Lyme
Ben zo blij met EWOT, zit beter in mijn vel en heb veel meer goede dagen! Ben nu ook waterstofgastherapie gaan doen, heb een helderder hoofd, slaap beter. Ben blij dat ik op Corpusair ben gewezen door mijn vriendin.
After living in constant pain for over two years, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in March 2017 .
My physical condition was with pain in limbs, hands, feet and back. I was often too tired to participate in the daily activities that many take for granted.
When I had to spend time with my grandkids or go out for groceries, I would stay in bed for two days and it was already difficult to do simple tasks such as housework, carrying things and even opening bottles and pots went with shooting pains.
Every day I had to take stronger painkillers and sleeping tablets every night to get my rest.
I am very glad that I came across your website with the Multistep oxygen therapy I had never heard of it, and certainly not in my circle of acquaintances. uh oxygen? EWOT? Hyperbaric? Multi? What..!
After that I thought for a while whether this was something for me, but after sifting through the internet about EWOT therapy, I decided to go for it. The effect is the same as hyperbaric oxygen you undergo in the hospital.
After the first week I already started to notice an improvement, and my condition slowly improved. I stopped taking the sleeping pills after three weeks and now fall asleep on my own until the next morning.
After six weeks, my symptoms were almost gone. I stopped taking painkillers and now have a lot more energy than before. My sleeping pattern remains the same.
I now continue to train on my elliptical trainer and hope to lose some extra weight so that I can walk and cycle a bit further in the future.
Finally, I can recommend this EWOT Multistep therapy to anyone plagued by Fibromyalgia
If you are in constant pain, give EWOT multistep therapy a chance for yourself!
I wish you a good 2018 with the same outlook that I am currently going through.
Thank you.
The Late Effects of Cancer
Found the way after 4 years!
4 years ago I had curative surgery for bladder cancer. Because of my uristomy, I use an average of 10 courses of antibiotics per year to combat bacterial infections. In combination with COPD, this has ensured that I have always been chronically tired after my surgery. Specialists in the hospital confirm that chronic fatigue often occurs in ex-cancer patients, but that there is actually no medical explanation for this. In consultation with Biocheck, I am now following the recovery program based on what I can handle using the multistep EWOT system with oxygen mask. So far this has resulted in two re-measurements in the first place in great progress in terms of energy and fitness, but secondly I have been antibiotic free for over 5 months now, so that my body is increasingly in balance!
Every day I am glad that I have found Biocheck and Bureau C&C on my path.
The Hague Feb. 2022
My husband has the muscle disease ALS, the bulbar form with the symptoms in the mouth and throat and many problems with swallowing and talking. The disease is progressive, but we want to do everything we can to slow down the process as much as possible.
My husband can still cycle well so he likes to do EWOT every day. With bulbar ALS, breathing usually gets worse. It is now 6 months later and his breathing has remained stable. We look forward to more positive results.
Name known to the editor
Zoetermeer / nov. 2022
Milangela Martina (34 jaar) & Eric Gomez (44 jaar)
Afgelopen augustus zijn mijn man en ik begonnen met EWOT met als doel onze conditie en gezondheid te verbeteren
Wij proberen dagelijks of om de dag 15min. op de hometrainer te gaan
Als astmapatiënt heb ik een grote vooruitgang gemerkt in mijn conditie bijvoorbeeld bij traplopen, binnen 1 week merkte ik al een groot verschil dat ik niet meer zo buiten adem was.
Mijn slaap is ook verbeterd, val makkelijker in slaap wat ook erg fijn is.
Bij mijn man is zijn ADD "minder", hij kan zich beter concentreren en nadenken direct na gebruik waarbij daarvoor hij best "tunnelvisie" kon hebben en qua concentratie wat beperkt kon zijn. Ik zou de EWOT zeker aanbevelen alleen al voor de ontspanning die je ervan krijgt zo snel na gebruik, de verbetering in je conditie zonder dat je echt intens moet trainen.
Groeten, Milangela
Aug. 2022 Zuid Holland
Zomaar een reactie
Ik merk na zo´n kleine 2 weken EWOT een verbetering van mijn conditie en heb minder last van bloedend tandvlees en ben ook 2 kilo afgevallen. Moet wel zeggen dat ik iedere dag een kwartier flink aan het doortrappen ben op de spinningfiets. Dus een dubbel effect, zowel de zuurstof als het fietsen.
Blij mee
Jessica & David van Leeuwen - if your child has asthma
April 2021 's-Gravenzande
Our eldest son Ryan suffered from his asthma at an early age. Always tired and unable to play in the school yard. The attacks of breathlessness and coughing often ended with prednisone and anti-inflammatories.
And taking the ambulance to the hospital because of your shortness of breath is also very hard for a child.
That changed when Ryan first did a 15 minute EWOT session. He immediately felt better about it. Ryan rides his oxygen mask for 15 minutes every day. He really does that on his own and never skips a day.
In 6 months time he has become a different child because of the oxygen therapy. He is now in the last year of primary school, is stronger, looks better and can run with friends again without getting out of breath. He has also no longer needed prednisone. Sometimes he still has an attack, but they last shorter now.
Every Saturday he cycles with his mountain bike club and can now come along. It's hard to believe that he no longer needs puffs before and after cycling!
We now also do oxygen therapy ourselves and are happy with EWOT and Ryan too!
Onze EWOT sets vind je bij veel mensen gewoon thuis, of bij therapeuten en sportcentra, maar soms ook op bijzondere locaties... Lees hier de review van Angeliek en John de Lisle bewoners van het landgoed
Angelpark Ridderborn in België
augustus 2023
"Wij zijn John en Angeliek de Lisl en we gebruiken de EWOT nu inmiddels een dik half jaar en als iets ons goed bevalt is het wel deze therapie…..iedere dag zijn we in onze trainings ruimte te vinden waar de grote zak hangt met de zuurstofgeneratoren er aan vast…..(zie foto) op deze manier duurt het ongeveer een half uurtje voordat de zak volledig gevuld is….dan stappen we op de fiets en brengen onze hartslag boven de 100 en fietsen vervolgens een 15/20 minuten…het grappige is dat je eigenlijk helemaal niet moe wordt omdat je wordt ondersteund door de zuurstof….
We zijn beiden zeventigers en leven redelijk gezond…gaan meestal rond een uur of 7 in de avond slapen om dan vervolgens rond een uur of 4/5 weer op te staan….dan drinken we een glas water met uitgeperste limoen en eten verder ook veel groenten en fruit en ook geen alcohol….en na de mails te hebben beantwoord doen we een work-out van een 15 minuten gevolgd dus door de training met EWOT…..soms ook andersom….
Wat hebben wij gemerkt….onze huid ziet er vele malen beter uit……minder rimpels…..minder phpd (pijntje hier pijntje daar)….vele malen soepeler in spieren en gewrichten….en dan de dingen die we niet kunnen zien van binnen maar meestal is het zo buiten zo binnen en vice versa.
Heb het vele malen gedeeld met mensen ……en het lijkt wel of iedereen aanhikt tegen het feit dat je moet bewegen iedere dag maar het is het dubbel en dwars waard…zeker voor die mensen die dit toch al deden zoals wij, dan is het gewoon een speeltje erbij….kan het gewoon echt iedereen aanraden….en vooral ook omdat zuurstof alles beter maakt op onze leeftijd….je lichaam en geest zijn dankbaar voor deze relatief goedkope (zeker vergeleken bij hyperbare zuurstof kamer) therapie….veel meer energie is de mooiste beloning….van dit alles…".
robert of lions
I don't have to advertise EWOT, my clients are the ambassadors themselves
Gym Maastricht
Jos Diederen:
Especially with long covid we achieve so many great results
HJ Sports and Nutrition Pigeons
Helga Jansen:
Oxygen therapy provides immediate energy
Family doctor
Lisbeth Denef:
I have been providing my patients with oxygen therapy for years, we can't miss it