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Met EWOT zuurstoftraining adem je 4 x keer meer zuurstof per ademhaling dan tijdens een strandwandeling

Zuurstof is zo gewoon

dat de meeste mensen niet beseffen dat ze

er misschien al langdurig gebrek aan hebben

Waterstof is het kleinste en meest voorkomende atoom in het heelal, zijn energie kan ons leven enonze wereld redden


Not with a tube in the nose and mouth in a hospital bed but 'live and kicking' with more energy by  EWOT anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy! 

Most of us suffer from oxygen deprivation for all sorts of reasons, but everyone can definitely improve their oxygen intake.

We see confronting figures about the influence of lifestyle on health. The lesson from corona is that we also have to invest in staying healthy ourselves. Oxygen is one of the most powerful natural medicines, we cannot live without it for a moment. By improving the supply of the most important substance for the maintenance and repair of tissues, the body is much better able to correct any problems.

Corpusair streeft ernaar een breed publiek bewust te maken van de gezondheidsvoordelen van de eenvoudig te gebruiken EWOT zuurstoftherapie en
moleculaire waterstoftherapie.  

My name is Anita van der Wel, founder of CORPUSAIR - the knowledge platform for oxygen training EWOT Netherlands


Oxygen  is free. That is why there is no large group associated with EWOT and research focuses on the expensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). That's a shame, especially because EWOT benefits almost everyone and the knowledge about this natural oxygen therapy remains with many people. That's why this extensive website. Corpusair is the oxygen shop and distributor for this unique EWOT oxygen therapy for everyone who needs oxygen. We deliver to the professional industry (sports and health centers) and to home users (private individuals) in 20 countries now

Corpusair owner Anita van der Wel

The pure oxygen that EWOT provides is the best supplement you can give your body. 

Healthy living is more challenging and important than ever
Not least because we expect to have a longer life on this globe than our ancestors.

But the reality is that living longer is not automatically linked to health and we are even getting sick at an increasingly younger age. At the moment, 9.9 million people are chronically ill in the Netherlands. Women on average from the age of 42 and men from the age of 48. Despite all the technological advances in medicine, the 'sickness pool' continues to overflow. After all, our metabolic health - read immune system - leaves a lot to be desired.

But what can we do then?  

  • After all, all attention is already being paid to lifestyle programs, to more fruit and vegetables and to often expensive supplements?

  • Surely many doctors have also discovered the importance of a healthy diet and are already arguing for more paprika and fewer pills?

  • And entire tribes of   do yoga, detox, and endless workouts, but why do they often not achieve the desired results?

With only more paprika and less pills 
so you don't come there, shall we say
Voeg zuurstoftherapie toe aan gezonde gewoonten voor maximaal effect
Alleen meer paprika en minder pillen helpt dus niet, zullen we maar zeggen..

Oxygen is our greatest energy source 

Yet we rarely hear about it

It has long been known that no  healing can take place in the body without sufficient oxygen in the tissues concerned. When we take in a lot of oxygen, the body can also absorb vitamins and nutrients much more efficiently.  An overabundance of oxygen triggers a repair process that normally would not take place because there is no cellular energy for it

FEITEN: Het zuurstof- en waterstofgas niveau in ons lichaam daalt als gevolg van veroudering, lucht-, water- voedsel- vervuiling en chronische stress  - en is gekoppeld aan ziekte en een kortere levensduur. 

De gevolgen van vrije radicalen en oxidatieschade zijn bij iedereen - vroeg of laat - voelbaar en zichtbaar.

Invincible Oxygen

The uniqueness of anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy is that once the  gates to more oxygen are thrown open, the effect is permanent and can be enhanced through a healthy lifestyle.

Natural solutions are getting more and more opportunities

The effect of oxygen has been proven more than once

Research into the use of oxygen during exercise dates back to the late 1960s, when physicist Professor von Ardenne developed the Oxygen Multistep Therapy. It is based on the recognition that many diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, circulatory disorders, cognitive function disorders and even some mental illnesses, can be associated with declining oxygen levels. 


This natural therapy was subsequently developed into more than twenty different treatments that are now used in hundreds of locations in Europe and also in the Netherlands.   More and more is known about the protective effects of oxygen and oxygen therapy is being used in more and more areas as a complementary treatment or to prevent complaints.

Don't wait for complaints and a pill from the doctor 
Oxygen keeps you fit!

Corona has also shown that the government should invest much more in primary prevention, the entire budget is spent on healthcare costs.

All the more important to draw attention to the enormous healing power of 'ordinary' and free oxygen.


After all, a healthy body is an oxygen-rich body?  That's no higher math, yet hardly anyone knows how easy it is to become the fittest version of yourself through exercise with oxygen therapy. 

I am now 60 years old and with EWOT  I feel healthier and more energetic than 10 years ago.   My message is therefore "oxygen you fit". 

EWOT is suitable for every age, preventive, sportive and curative. And with effect. Thousands are healthier, more energetic, leaner and perform better with EWOT. Often after a few weeks. Everyone says that health is the greatest capital. Probably you too? Take action!



If you have any questions about our oxygen therapy, please contact us.

  • Click here for experiences of EWOT users

  • Click here to make an appointment in our EWOT demo center in Monster or Lunteren

  • Click here to get your oxygen support package for health and prevention delivered at home

Zuurstoftherapie geeft weer energie
Zuurstoftraining verbetert gezondheid

Our EWOT sets have been tested at, among others, BioCheck Rotterdam and tuned by the Energy Control Academy of Stans van der Poel. Oxygen therapy has especially proven itself in the field of top sport and chronic fatigue, such as Burn-out, ME, Lung Covid and fibromyalgia. 

Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair

Health delivered to your door!

Betere prestaties met hardlopen door EWOT zuurstoftraining

Customers say

Mirjam van Vliet: If you have asthma and also get corona, you are very happy with EWOT. I haven't needed any asthma medications since I've been training with oxygen.
Tevreden met Zuurstoftraining EWOT

Een selectie van onze professionele klanten en partners


Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
JPT biedt zuurstoftherapie ewot van Corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
fysico maassluis biedt EWOT zuurstofhtherapie van corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair
Best-Aging heeft watersttoftherapie van corpusair
Zuurstoftherapie EWOT corpusair

Op 18 & 19 november staat CORPUSAIR weer op de Beurs Internationaal Therapeut in Houten
- dé Beurs voor Lifestyle & Gezondheid - voor therapeuten en iedereen die in 
gezondheid is geïnteresseerd

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