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Osteoarthritis Support

zuurstoftherapie verlicht artrose
Zuurstoftherapie ondersteunt de pijnbestrijding bij artrose

Osteoarthritis is a major health problem. It is the most common reason people go to the doctor. Neck and back pain, diabetes, and heart problems come after that. Often the diagnosis is made late and treatment is ineffective. Oxygen therapy not only reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis, it contributes to a better quality of life in several ways.


  • Osteoarthritis is a chronic condition in which the condition of the joint deteriorates. Osteoarthritis is a disease of the entire joint: cartilage breakdown, new bone formation, inflammation of the joint capsule

  • The main clinical manifestation of osteoarthritis is joint pain and stiffness, leading to mobility impairment

  • Osteoarthritis is very common in western countries. This is due to the aging and overweight of the population.

  • More than 1.2 million people in the Netherlands suffer from osteoarthritis. The diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis is made 700,000 times a year. This makes it the most common disease that GPs are confronted with in their practice.

Increased oxygen in the blood and improved oxygen utilization of the tissues re-dilates the capillaries and resolves inflammation, a particularly beneficial side effect for patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

zuurstof bestrijdt symptomen artrose

Anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy is a complementary treatment and forms an important basis for the healing process in degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The therapy stimulates the supply of sufficient oxygen to the relevant tissue cells and supports pain relief in osteoarthritis. However, the targeted treatment of individual areas should be accompanied by physical therapy or the application of drugs. 

Complex disease

Osteoarthritis is a complex disease. In one person the condition is the result of being overweight, in another the shape of the joint is such that problems with the cartilage arise with mechanical load. As with all complex diseases, osteoarthritis is also partly genetically determined.

Origin of osteoarthritis

Much is still unclear about the development of osteoarthritis. The risk of osteoarthritis can be increased by:

  • Older age: The risk of osteoarthritis increases with age.

  • Female gender: Osteoarthritis is 2 times more common in women than in men.

  • overweight.

  • Regular overload: For example, in people with a heavy profession or top athletes.

  • Heredity: In some families, osteoarthritis is more common due to a hereditary predisposition.

  • Joint damage: When a joint has been damaged by an accident, injury or condition, the risk of osteoarthritis is greater. But an injury to a cruciate ligament or meniscus can also cause osteoarthritis years later.

  • Inflammation in the joint, such as in rheumatism, can also cause osteoarthritis. Such an inflammation dissolves the cartilage, as it were. Because the joint parts no longer slide over each other properly, there is abnormal wear (arthrosis).



The symptoms of osteoarthritis can be very different. The most common complaints are stiffness and pain. Complaints can occur separately or in combination. As the osteoarthritis develops, the severity of the complaints often increases.

Outlook after the diagnosis of osteoarthritis

The course of the condition varies from patient to patient. It depends on the severity of the affected joints and the associated complaints. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis cannot be cured and often increases slowly.


You can do something to reduce your symptoms and reduce and prevent inflammation.

Lifestyle Advice

  • Maintain a good, healthy body weight: Being overweight leads to overloading your joints. 

  • Keep moving: If you temporarily have severe complaints, it is best to spare the joint for a while. But try to get moving again as soon as possible. Do this responsibly so as not to overload your joints. 

  • Exercise with oxygen to maintain the functioning of the muscles and joints quickly relieves many users of complaints

  • Keep your joints warm: Heat can reduce the symptoms that can occur as a result of osteoarthritis. Make sure that it is not too cold in your area. Try to swim in warm water regularly.

 The benefit of oxygen therapy for patients with osteoarthritis

By improving microcirculation in the capillaries, prescription drugs for stiffness and pain can return to the place where they are supposed to do their job. But that's not the only advantage. Increased oxygen in the blood and improved oxygen utilization of the tissues re-dilates the capillaries and resolves inflammation, a particularly beneficial side effect for patients suffering from osteoarthritis.

Fysiotherapiepraktijk biedt zuurstoftherapie voor artrose

Physiotherapy practice Revitalis offers its clients EWOT oxygen therapy

You can do EWOT with your therapist, at the gym or very easily in the comfort of your own home

At the heart of anti-inflammatory oxygen therapy is inhaling a higher level of oxygen

to increase the amount of oxygen in the blood plasma. The impact of this increased blood oxygenation is a renewed dilation of the capillaries, which are constricted by oxygen deprivation caused by stress, toxins, disease, old age and other causes.


A narrowing of a capillary due to lack of oxygen due to disease or other influences  can be reversed by EWOT. Increased oxygen in the blood and improved oxygen utilization of the tissues re-dilates the capillaries and resolves inflammation. The increased oxygenation of the cells also increases cellular ATP (cellular energy). This increase in the body's energy level boosts the immune system, promotes health and supports recovery.









A series of scientific studies have shown that oxygen therapy can combat the symptoms of certain diseases and contribute to an improvement of the disease. These diseases include, for example: - polyneuropathy, - impaired blood flow in veins and arteries, - osteoarthritis, - diabetes, cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ fibromyalgia, - erectile dysfunction, - asthma, - brain injury. In addition, oxygen therapy can often also be used as an additional treatment. - for chronic fatigue, - for extreme fatigue, - for stress relief, - for better physical and mental performance, - for infection control, - for activating the body's self-healing processes, - for faster healing of wounds, injuries and - as a strengthening of the immune system. Even a burnout can be prevented and treated effectively.  


Oxygen therapy not only reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis, it contributes to a better quality of life in several ways.

Zuurstoftherapie EWOT verbetert doorbloeding tot in de haarvaten, ontstekingen nemen af

Increased oxygen levels reverse age-related swelling in the capillaries leading to decreased circulation and energy use

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Oxygen supports osteoarthritis


Smederijstraat 24 Naaldwijk ZH  en Dorpsstraat 207 Lunteren GD

Open by appointment

The oxygen shop for everyone

Corpusair zuurstoftherapie EWOT Nederland.
Corpusair is gecertificeerd H2 adviseur

Chamber of Commerce 68407262

IBAN NL93RABO0355067269

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The contents of this publication are provided for informational purposes only. In no way is this information intended to diagnose or substitute for the work of a qualified professional. We recommend that you contact a reliable specialist for this.


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